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How to become a delegate


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Arbitrum DAO's launch has been announced and the $ARB airdrop is live on $ARB token-holders are now able to delegate the voting power of their tokens to delegates of the Arbitrum DAO1.

To become a delegate, create a profile on Tally and begin building your delegate platform. To make it easy for voters to learn more about you, submit a delegate statement using the template on the Arbitrum DAO governance forum.

Become a delegate: Best practices

Before deciding to become a delegate, it's important to understand the responsibilities and expectations of the role. Review the following guidelines to ensure that you're prepared to become a delegate for the Arbitrum DAO:

  • Delegates are expected to actively participate in the decision-making process and to act in the best interests of the network. They should also be familiar with The Constitution of the Arbitrum DAO and each of the documents within this content set.
  • Review The Constitution of the Arbitrum DAO and each of the documents within this content set to ensure that you understand the scope of delegate responsibilities and the mechanisms by which the Arbitrum DAO operates.
  • Review the comprehension check to self-assess your understanding of the Arbitrum DAO governance protocol.
  • Prepare to build a strong delegate platform. This includes establishing an online presence that outlines your qualifications, experience, and vision for the Arbitrum DAO. You can use your platform to demonstrate your understanding of the protocol and the highest-priority challenges that the community is facing.
  • Submit a delegate statement using the template posted in the delegate application template thread. Although delegate applications aren't required now that the airdrop has occurred, the application template gives community members a standardized way to learn more about your qualifications and platform.

Becoming a delegate is a significant responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Delegates should have a solid foundational technical understanding of the Arbitrum protocol, a sense of the Ethereum ecosystem at large, and a desire to continuously engage with the Arbitrum community as it grows and evolves. If you have any questions or concerns, visit the Arbitrum DAO governance forum or Discord.

  1. To learn how to delegate the voting power of your $ARB tokens, visit "How to delegate your voting power".